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Hi, my name is Andy.  I go by Hag too, but it's just Andy. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my website, & am glad your curiosity has led you here.  This page is not a resumé, and hardly a shop.  I needed a place, one place, showcasing how I spend free moments.  Something reflective of my commitment to doing things, I guess.  There are probably many reasons I created this website.  Self-indulgence? Check. Validation? Probably. Is it one of the cooler ways to show-off? Not sure, I think everyone else is the judge of that.  Does it remind you of a 2014 Tumblr Blog-esque style? It should contain notes ... slightly accentuated – that was my golden era.

In any capacity, I needed something to capture the essence of who I am, what I do in my spare time, and how these activities intersect with some of the formal and informal lessons I have learned along the way.  My first designing days date back to when I was just twelve years old.  More time has passed now, and I occasionally gasp at how much the work has progressed throughout different creative trials.  

My style and medium has evolved, changed, grown, and disrupted.   My process is as distinct as it isn't and I have failed spectacularly throughout the journey.  That's alright, I'll make a snack.

*If you are an employer whose hiring is contingent on the professionalism exhibited on this webpage, I kindly and preemptively decline any employment opportunity on this basis.  If this website does not align with you or your companies' values, there is a good chance a professional working relationship would not be successful.  Thank you in advance.

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